PMCC management on demand | Interim management

Actionable expertise. Temporary and available immediately.

When capacity peaks require rapidly available know-how, when the need for external competence arises, or when time is a critical factor, our interim managers can step in and provide you with support.
Our pool of results-oriented managers on demand covers resource bottlenecks, provides technical professionalism, extensive subject matter competence, and comprehensive industry expertise, as well as many years of practical experience. Flexible, efficient, and sustainably effective.

Interim Management - Efficient solutions for your resource requirements

Managers on demand, interim managers, freelancers. No matter what you call them, their added value remains the same: They help bridge resource bottlenecks, contribute the specialised knowledge that you need right now, and come to the rescue when things go wrong. Our managers on demand are familiar with the issues you face and have successfully dealt with similar challenges on several occasions. And they won’t leave until your job is done: simple, straightforward, and economical.

Management on demand - Our range of temporary management services

Our range of offerings in this context is as diverse as your wishes

  • Project management on demand
  • Supervision of professionalisation activities in project and process management
  • Temporary management of projects or programmes
  • Project or programme assistance on demand
  • Establishment and temporary supervision of a project management office
  • Project or programme marketing
  • Risk and claim management
  • Change management in projects and programmes


Enquire about PMCC management on demand now!

PMCC interim managers - best qualifications for your success

Our pool of interim managers is characterised by strict selection criteria and continuous quality assurance. Our interim managers are trained in accordance with PMCC project and process management standards and not only apply this expertise, but also live it. But most importantly, you can draw on the entire expertise of PMCC Consulting. We support you and our interim managers from the definition of objectives to the completion of the assignment.

The big challenge was taking over the programme when it was already in trouble and finding a way to establish a clear structure and workflow for a complex programme with delivery goods involving numerous countries and boundaries that were poorly defined initially – both organisationally and in terms of content. In addition, the different stakeholders – including consortium partners – and their (unexpressed) interests had to be taken into account and included. The assignment started at a time when it was already foreseeable that the projects would not be able to meet the contractually agreed milestones, which could result in penalty payments in the millions and have a negative impact on future invitations for bid in this market.

Martin Beikircher: “The clear definition of my role with tasks and competences and the introduction to the team by the programme sponsor made a positive contribution to ensuring that I quickly got off to a good start. The path to a successful conclusion is still long and difficult, but the groundwork has already been completed.”

Martin Beikircher, interim programme manager

The particular challenge with this customer was striking a balance between the dynamic market conditions within a new field of technology and the resulting short product development cycles on the one hand and reasonable, long-term resource planning on the other.

Using agile methods in product development, the customer was able to ensure close coordination between the development departments and the market. However, it became clear that the short-term resource planning did not make it possible to identify long-term, cross-project personnel shortages at an early stage, which led to deadline delays and the late recruiting of new employees.

Patrick Hierhold: “By implementing a hybrid project management approach and applying a selection of conventional project management techniques in an agile environment, it was possible to ensure that the ability to react to customer requirements at very short notice in a dynamic multi-project environment was preserved. Medium- and long-term deadline and resource planning and a continuous exchange of information between all stakeholders helped to ensure more efficient staff planning and a significant reduction of deadline delays across all development projects.”

Patrick Hierhold, project manager on demand

Langfristig auf die strategischen Unternehmensziele „Digitalisierung“ und „Kundenorientierung“ ausgerichtet, kurzfristig durch schlechtes Kundenfeedback ausgelöst, wurde im Unternehmen ein Change-Projekt gestartet, mit dem Ziel die Kundenserviceprozesse in Richtung Digitalisierung und Qualitätssteigerung zu optimieren. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Projektauftraggeberteam wurde eine iterative Herangehensweise gewählt: Die Phasen Analyse, Konzeptionierung, Pilot, Evaluierung und Roll-Out dienten als zeitlich Strukturierung. An den Phasenübergängen stellte sich das Projektteam in geplanten Reviews den Qualitätsanforderungen des Kunden. Die daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse flossen mit in die Detailplanung der nächsten Phase ein. Überdies wurde vereinbart, an diesen Stage Gates die Interimmanagement-Leistungen flexibel an aktuelle Projektanforderungen anzupassen.

Wolfgang Habison: „Es galt, die Projektinhalte und die vorhandene Unternehmenskultur optimal aufeinander abzustimmen und weiterzuentwickeln. Durch die Kombination aus intensiver persönlicher Zusammenarbeit und “on-demand” online-Management gelang es, unvorhergesehenen inhaltlichen und sozialen Unstimmigkeiten wirkungsvoll entgegenzutreten und diese schnell, unbürokratisch und kostengünstig zu lösen. Letztendlich blieb das Projektteam während der Phasen nahezu unverändert und wuchs zu einem zentralen Motor für den Erfolg des agilen Projektes heran, bei dem sich die Rolle des Managers auf Zeit zunehmend zu der eines Moderators und Facilitators entwickelte.

Wolfgang Habison, Consultant

Das Management eines Projekte-Programms zur Sanierung eines Unternehmens kann äußerst komplex und herausfordernd sein, da es verschiedene Aspekte und Stakeholder-Beteiligungen gibt. Die Vielfalt der beteiligten Projekte, der Widerstand gegen Veränderungen und die Komplexität der Stakeholder-Interesse müssen vom Programmmanager ausbalanciert werden. Es ist sicherzustellen, dass die Ziele des Unternehmens und der Stakeholder in Einklang gebracht werden.

Der Programmmanagement-Auftrag mit einer Situationsanalyse steht im Mittelpunkt, um darauf basierend das Team aufzubauen, klare Prioritäten zu setzen und vor allem die Kommunikation zu optimieren.

Thomas Lieb: „Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen Zeit und Geduld erfordert. Und denken Sie daran, dass erfolgreiches Programmmanagement oft einen langfristigen Prozess darstellen, der schrittweise umgesetzt wird“.

Thomas, Lieb, Partner & Consultant

Broad industry expertise

No matter what industry you work in, we have the right expertise for your project.Our temporary managers are currently active in 14 sectors:

Finance/InsuranceTelecomITConstructionMechanical and Plant EngineeringManufacturing IndustryHealth and Social CarePharmaCommerceLogisticsTransport/AviationAutomotivePower SupplyChemistry

Interim management - experienced expertise for temporary projects

Complex projects and programmes require professional interim project management. If your internal resources are insufficient or your company’s project expertise is limited, we can offer you the right experts. Our independent and quality-certified interim managers have a wide range of experience in various types of projects to meet your individual requirements.

Our experienced team can support you with projects in the following areas:

  • IT projects and digitalisation projects
  • Organisational development projects
  • Construction and plant engineering projects
  • Innovation & product development projects
  • Agile transformation projects
Request temporary management now!

Management on Demand: Available immediately. Flexible. Customised.

Benefit from our first-class interim management to successfully achieve your goals.


Within just a few days, our experienced specialists will be at your disposal for exactly the period of time required – without the need for extra onboarding or training measures.


Our carefully selected experts have just the right qualifications for the task at hand.


Instead of fixed personnel costs, you pay only the costs of the actual services rendered.


With their many years of professional and project experience, PMCC managers on demand will take the pressure off your organisation and your managers.


Your company will retain valuable specialist expertise even after successful implementation.


The results-oriented handling of your specific tasks boosts the success rate of your projects.


A neutral outside perspective allows for an unbiased assessment of situations and projects.

State of the Art

PMCC managers on demand work with state-of-the-art software tools and according to recognised international standards.

Do you need support now?

  • Do you need implementation-oriented expertise that is temporary and available immediately?
  • Do you have an emergency and need an outside expert perspective to regain control of the situation?
  • Do you find yourself in exceptional circumstances in which time is a critical factor?
  • Are you in need of project-specific, qualified, and rapidly available personnel in order to quickly and effectively overcome a challenge that has emerged without warning?
  • Are you looking for successful practitioners and experts who are familiar with your problems, have often dealt with similar ones in the past, and will (only) leave when your job is done?

With our PMCC managers on demand, we have the right solution for (almost) every problem and can certainly help with your specific challenge!

Contact us now

countries throughout Europe and the rest of the world are traveled by our interdisciplinary temporary manager team


years of experience


we work with companies with between 15 and 250.000 employees


of our services are provided in an international environment

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