Even the most experienced managers and teams reach their limits from time to time. Professional coaching comes to the rescue in these situations, opening up new perspectives, and enabling you to apply your skills even more effectively. Because professional coaching offers the perfect opportunity and the ideal setting to encourage self-reflection and develop personal competence on a lasting basis.
Hit the ground running with PMCC management coaching.
Maintain your agility.
Coaching – effectively augment your skills
Coaching introduces new points of view, helps you master individual or project-specific challenges, and stimulates value-adding growth and development. We support managers, project managers, process managers, change managers, or entire teams in dealing with especially challenging situations in a professional manner. Our coaches help develop and implement solutions, provide clarity and confidence, and promote constructive communication and conflict resolution – with experience, dedication, and invaluable expertise.
A highly individual matter
We view coaching as an individual or project-specific, interactive consulting and support process for objectives in a professional and particularly in a project-related context. Our approach is based on partnership and respect and will mobilise your resources and abilities. We strengthen and develop the skills that will enable you to reach your goals faster and more effectively.
Knowledge transfer and competence development
While a training course aims at building up and developing skills, coaching offers the ideal setting for reflecting on behaviour and building new skills to put theory into practice in your own work. Coaching in the form of crisis coaching is a rapid, unbureaucratic, and professional way to access support for designing and implementing the crisis management process.
Types of coaching
Professional coaching offers the perfect opportunity and the ideal setting to develop special skills and improve competences. Drawing from a broad spectrum of coaching formats, these settings have become established in process- and project-oriented organisations:
Project coaching
The coach as subject matter expert
Working through specific issues as a team or in a one-on-one setting and technical support for projects and programmes
- Technical support in projects and programmes, from project initiation to closing or in crisis situations
- Creation of flagship projects with classic and/or hybrid project setups
- Support for change projects and processes
- Coaching for project managers and project teams in specific projects
- Consultation in designing project structures
- Support in the team development process
- Reflection on role understanding, relationships, and behaviour in classic and/or hybrid project teams
- Joint development of project organisations, communication, and decision-making structures, as well as in the design and implementation of the PM processes
Team coaching
The coach as a facilitator
Moderation of a group process among several several managers and executives for mutual support and learning from each other
- Professionalisation of project and process management and leadership
- Working through current problems
- Encouraging the exchange of experience among project managers, process managers and executives
- Supporting organisational learning
- Encouraging the exchange of experience among project managers, process managers and executives
- Complementary measure for competence development building on the knowledge transfer in trainings (Ask the Expert, peer group coaching, review workshops and more)
Business coaching
The coach as a partner for reflection
Working through a wide range of issues from the professional context in a one-on-one setting to improve management skills
- Coaching for managers and executives
- Support in putting theory into practice
- Promotion of self-reflection and the long-term development of individual and social competences – handling conflicts, leadership situations, motivation, workload, etc.
- Coaching of certification candidates
How we learn
Education + Experience + Exposure = Effectiveness
“Our employees are our most important asset” – a sentiment that companies love to say, that is certainly true, and that is often put into practice in a way that is less than convincing. And yet highly qualified employees are the best way to counteract the ever-increasing complexity of work tasks. But how might a comprehensive, sustainable, and performance-boosting learning climate within a company look? How can the success of company training measures be ensured?
The key is the smart design and coordination of various training measures within the company. Learning in the professional context is often still seen exclusively as the process of conveying knowledge (education). However, this approach is short-sighted because learning largely takes place in one’s day-to-day work (experience) and not least also by way of targeted competence development (exposure) in the form of coaching.
Effective learning goes beyond taking part in seminars. Formal training measures have a reinforcing effect, but learning also occurs by performing the actual task and practising on an ongoing basis. More and more companies are following this strategy in the interest of a comprehensive approach and offering more possibilities for competence development, such as coaching, in addition to traditional methods of conveying knowledge.
Coaching: undiscovered solutions, new ways of thinking, unrecognised potential.
Even the most successful managers and teams reach their limits from time to time or want to advance themselves with new perspectives and fresh ways of thinking. What professional project coaching has to offer here – we dedicated a club pm session with Gernot Winkler and Erhard Semlitsch entirely to the topic of coaching and the questions of “What exactly is (project) coaching?”, “What coaching models exist?”, “Does coaching even work?”, and “Who does coaching makes sense for and when?”
Check out the club pm on project coachingDo you need support now
- Are you faced with a specific project-related challenge and looking for a partner for reflection?
- Do you need support with a difficult change process?
- Is your project team stuck in a difficult situation or not making progress in its development?
- Do you want to turn your project into a success story for the entire company?
- Are you looking for an innovative form of competence development for your project managers?
- Do you need an outside perspective about your role as a manager?
With our PMCC coaching offerings, we have the right solution for (almost) every problem and can certainly help with your specific challenge!
years of experience