Manfred Brandstätter


About Mr. Brandstätter

  • Independent consultant and trainer
  • Systemic team coach training, Neuwaldegg
  • Project management, Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Harvard Business Cases training course, Technical University of Munich
  • Higher education didactics, University of Graz
  • Master’s degree, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Faculty of Management and Economics


Fields of activity

  • Project manager, business trainer, university lecturer
  • Project management training
  • Agile management: Scrum, Kanban, DevOps, Design Thinking, Scribble, Agile Strategy Maps, Management 3.0



  • Founder and managing director at national and international start-ups
  • Training and support for managers and employees in the area of “self-learning organisation” with agile frameworks and methods (Scrum, Kanban, DevOps, Design Thinking, Scribble, Agile Strategy Maps, etc.)
  • Introduction and professionalisation in the area of agile project management (Scrum) and project support at a German automotive supplier


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